PRO user

Mathaus Huber

Pelotas, Brasil

Computer Scientist and
Full Stack Developer

  • Vue.js
  • PHP
  • Mysql
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node
  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • HTML
  • CSS


Programmer, 24 years old, currently working with Web Development, focusing on mobile applications and web platform responsiveness.

Full Stack Web Developer constantly learning

Web developer, experienced in front-end and back-end, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap 4, Java Script, Python, PHP, MySQL. Open source enthusiast, currently studying Computing at the Federal University of Pelotas.

I have knowledge in the field of computer vision, using the programming languages Python and Matlab, for analysis and processing of digital images. I'm certified in Python for data analysis and web development, by Udemy courses.


Majoring in Computing at UFPel and open source enthusiast.

Born in Arroio Grande, currently 24 years old, residing in the city of Pelotas, I graduated in Computing at the Federal University of Pelotas.

A programming enthusiast, I studied the main data structures and pillars of object orientation, for approximately a year in the area of Web applications, where I started my studies during graduation, both mobile and desktop, I dealt with the most current frameworks market, especially with the JavaScript language, with Vue.js for the front-end and Nodejs for the back-end.

Currently studying Javascript technologies, focusing on the front-end. Approaching some projects using the Vue.js framework, a different skill between those I consider in my profile, having a good command of the tool. On the backend, currently studying node.js, where I consider in the intermediate learning process.


Front-end and Responsiveness

Currently focused on responsive design within web platforms, I use bootstrap as a production tool, which improves the viewability adaptation on all devices, whether they are desktop or mobile. Responsive websites are intelligently designed to adapt to any type of resolution without distortion. A responsive design identifies what is the width of each device and thus can determine how much space is available and how the page will be displayed so that these spaces are fully utilized. It also adjusts the dimensions of images, fonts, and other elements on a page so they don't get out of proportion.


For a long time studying the php language focused on the back-end, where I developed some personal projects, with the aim of learning, I decided to migrate to Javascript technologies. After being part of a project entirely developed in Javascript, I had my first contact with node.js, where one of the issues for migrating between languages is because this framework can be used to attend to several simultaneous events, so that developers can vary well and make scalable solutions that maximize computer memory and CPU usage as they serve multiple requests.

AI and Computer Vision

Artificial intelligence and web development although they are very different in the field of computing, and particularly I have followed for the web path, for some time i dedicated myself to studies with computer vision, using python (one of the most versatile languages market currently) and matlab. One of my most recent projects using image processing and computer vision developed using the matlab tool refers to the creation of an algorithm for counting and analyzing blood cells, in particular, leukocytes, also known as white cells or white blood cells, which is usually done manually by hematologists.


Main Skills, mastered Vue.js and React in intermediate mode. Good CSS and HTML skills. Experience using bootstrap for responsiveness.


Advanced projects made in php. Currently focused on studying Node.js, in an intermediate process. Relational database experience.

Data Analysis

Skilled in Python and R for data analysis, with experience in implementing statistical models for predictive insights.


I would put as a technical skill on the front, knowledge in design libraries (frameworks), such as Bootstrap and Vuetify, which is aimed at Vue. These progressive frameworks that try to take web development to the next level are very helpful when it comes to responsive design.

Apart from the skills related to database and apis creation, such as specific languages ​​for the back, I would also highlight what I could call some "technical soft skills". From the creation of an application, or a dashboard to a web page, it is very important for the functioning to develop the use case diagrams, classes, sequence. Knowing that, these skills are not specifically for a backend developer, but rather for a software engineer. However, during my graduation, I participated in some projects where I developed applications from scratch, using a lot of software engineering tools, which I now consider as some "technical soft skills" in my curriculum.

To create landing pages, use Figma, a modern interface design tool, always using the grid layout format. Always based on user experience design and its pillars, such as: Visual appeal; Utility; Accessibility.


Developer Freelancer

January 2020 - March 2022

Trainee - Colaborator

March 2022 - August 2022

August 2022 - August 2023

scientific researcher

September 2022 - August 2023

Fullstack Developer

February 2023 - Currently